Friday, February 13, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

            How can learning about powerpoint help me in the real world?
It can help me in the real world by teaching me how to organize things.
It also help's me by learning how to be creative.It also help's me by learning how to 
explain things.People think it might be kinda geeky to know how to do a powerpoint.
If you were in tech class you would love it a lot .Who wouldn't like it.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How can I see myself using a computer in the future?
I can see myself typing really fast.I think I will also see myself 
sitting down on a chair.I also think I will see myself a little bit older.
I would want to see other people using a computer.I think that is pretty sad.
So that's what I think I am going to look in the future.:-)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How can learning about the computer parts help me in the real world?
It can help me by learning how to type.It also helps me by when I go to college I can 
type things with out looking at the keyboard.That's why it helps me by learning how to type.
Also it just doesn't help me it also help others.So that's why this class is good for us.So keep up
the good work and don't give up.